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Tex-Mex Tamales

Displaying products 1 - 3 of 3 results
Chicken Tamales
Price: $14.00
Chicken Tamales
12 hand wrapped 3 ounce tamales. Requires overnight or 2-day freight.
Jalapeño and Cheese Tamales
Price: $14.00
Jalapeño and Cheese Tamales
12 each 3 ounce hand wrapped tamales. Requires overnight or 2-day freight.
Pork Tamales
Price: Requires Overnight or 2-day freight
Pork Tamales
12 Authentic 3-ounce tamales that are great by themselves or topped with our award-winning Chili Gravy or Chili Con Carne. Shipped Frozen. Overnight or 2-day Freight for this product.